Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal Herbs are known for treating many diseases and boosting immune system of the body. Medicinal Herbs do not have any kind of allergic reaction that makes them a safe and effective treatment for many diseases. We supply different varieties of traditional Medicinal Herbs that are sourced from reliable vendors. For more details please click on the links given below


Chaulmoogra is a very effective Medicinal Herb that is used for treating chronic diseases like leprosy. Chaulmoogra is the first Medicinal Herb that was used to treat leprosy. Chaulmoogra has calming and fever-reducing properties. It is also said to treat skin related disorders. Chaulmoogra supplied by our company is sourced from reliable

Gadbeej is a very prominent herb that is used to cure many types of diseases. Gadbeej does not have any kind of side effect, which make a safe and effective Medicinal Herb. Gadbeej supplied by our company are authentic as they are sourced from reliable vendors. Our experts check Gadbeej properly before supplying them to our consumers as

Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia is used for preventing fat storage and obesity. Garcinia Cambogia controls appetite to reduce the food intake, which may result into weight loss. Our company supplies good quality Garcinia Cambogia that is said to control obesity. We source Garcinia Cambogia from reliable vendors to ensure its authenticity.

Nagkesar is used for curing diseases related to digestion like piles. Nagkesar cures problems in digestive system by removing ‘Ama’ deposits in the digestive tracts that lead to many kinds of diseases in the digestive system. Nagkesar supplied by our company is authentic as it is sourced from reliable vendors.

Reetha is mainly used in soaps and shampoos made for washing hairs. It is supposed to be very good for hair and scalp health. It gently removes all the dirt from hairs while maintaining its shine and color. We supply premium quality Reetha that has a variety of applications in herbal medicinal science.

Shikakai is dried and powdered for making a paste with other Herbs like Mehndi and Reetha. The paste of Shikakai with other Herbs is used as a homemade hair mask for condition dried and damaged hairs. Shikakai is good for strengthening and softening dry and damaged hairs while it gently cleans and conditions them. We supply good quality

Waiwadang is used in variety of applications in Herbal Medicinal Science. Waiwadang is said to cure many diseases. Waiwadang does not have any kind of side effect, therefore it is considered as aq very safe and effective Medicinal Herb. We supply good quality Waiwadang that is sourced from reliable vendors.

Contact Us


Azad Main Road, Sagar, Shimoga, Karnataka - 577401, India

Mobile : +91-9902178885, +91-8762077862

Phone : +91-818-3226851

Fax : +91-818-3220219